Sunday, April 24, 2011

Back On Track....

Well it sure has been a loonnnnng time since I made my last post. OOoh..embarrassing? I was actually considering deleting this blog and starting over so in case someone actually reads it, I could pretend like I have been so consistent. Hahaha...oh well. No one is perfect....except Jesus....but that's another topic for another time, or perhaps, another blog?

Today is Easter Sunday and I have been planning for the last few days to get back on track this following week. I have a game plan this time which will hopefully (fingers crossed) give me more motivation to continue on with my way to awesomeness. I have decided to set a goal and write it down (here!?!) for all to see. In about 3 months time on July 17, 2011 it is my 1-Year Anniversary with my husband Tom. Amazing how fast that went by! I am not sure yet what we will be doing, but I have decided to buy a beautiful, sexy dress as a "target outfit" for my weight loss goal. I have found 2 dresses now and I am going to pick the winner asap. The thing is though, I am going to buy the chosen dress in 1 SIZE SMALLER than I currently fit as motivation for me to achieve that body in 3 months time. Kinda scary, not gonna lie. Think I can do it? I know I can and I will. =D So I am excited because soon I will be on my way to closer to that FIT, HAPPY, HEALTHY me I desire. YAY!

Until next time, God bless and remember to Praise God today for sending his only son Jesus for all of us.

Natasha <3

Friday, October 29, 2010

Swimming: Day 1

I am fit, healthy, happy......................or at least on my way to it. Currently I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been (which still is realistically not that much) - approximately 155 lbs. at 5'6" tall (I think, but when I last went to the doctor she measured me and said I was almost 5'7"??). Definitely it would be to my benefit to either get a scale that works or get my measurements and weight done at the gym. I am really not happy with how I have let myself become - lazy and inactive. I used to be a Personal Fitness Trainer, but maybe the reason I was so interested in fitness was because I have never been consistent with it.

Recently I decided I am going to take up swimming again. My mom has swam for years to stay in shape and I used to back when I was in middle and a bit in high school. It was great for me because I love swimming and I can work out hard and not feel it as much. Not like running - ugh how I do not like running. Anyway, this morning I went to one of the local pools at 8 am and bought a 10 day pass. I want to make sure I am fully committed before buying too much time. I bought my goggles, latex cap and ear plugs so that I am fully prepped and prepared. Today I  swam for 20 minutes at full speed and then cooled down for about 5 minutes. I was happy with this amount of time for my first day back. The biggest thing I noticed today was that my arms starting feeling weak and getting tired way before I was starting to feel out of breath. I enjoyed it today. Tomorrow perhaps I will add 5 minutes. :)

Until then...cheerio.

God bless,